Issues Facing District 225
Our Public Education System has many challenges facing it. Systems have been strained and need to be revised in order to help us meet the demands facing our schools. Some areas needing immediate attention and creative solutions include:
Student Wellness and Support
We have faced challenges we couldn’t have imagined. Mental health resources need to be clearly, frequently and simply communicated to students, families and staff. Working together is what Glenbrooks are known for and now is when we need it most.
New standards and requirements are consistently being dictated by government agencies requiring hundreds if not thousands of hours of careful analysis to make sure these changes don’t adversely impact any student. Technology has an even greater role in our schools and has proven limitless opportunities for learning. Teachers must creatively each and every day find ways to rebuild the foundational blocks that advanced lessons in high school are based on and be prepared to adapt quickly.
Teacher and Staff Shortage
As pressures and responsibilities increase for teachers and administrators with fewer and fewer entering into educational careers, it is imperative we expand our initiatives to actively recruit and develop teachers that meet our high Glenbrook standards and leverage the knowledge and experience of our veteran staff before they retire in the upcoming years.
The Economy
The future is uncertain as we wrestle with rising costs. While new property developments in the area need to contribute their fair share of support our educational programs, we also need to continue to be responsible stewards of the school budgets and not create undue hardships on families and businesses in the area that have supported the district over the years.
Focus was and will continue to be protecting each and every student and staff member from threats in the hallway, online, and in a host of ways not even imagined. These issues are real, in new an uncharted areas, and we’ll need to continue to be vigilant to make sure we provide safe learning space for students and teachers to exchange thoughts and ideas while growing. Everyone should feel free to respectfully express their thoughts and learn.
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